Eye & Lip Illuminating Serum - RARE SkinFuel
Eye & Lip Illuminating Serum - RARE SkinFuel
Eye & Lip Illuminating Serum - RARE SkinFuel
Eye & Lip Illuminating Serum - RARE SkinFuel
Eye & Lip Illuminating Serum - RARE SkinFuel
Eye & Lip Illuminating Serum - RARE SkinFuel
Eye & Lip Illuminating Serum - RARE SkinFuel
Eye & Lip Illuminating Serum - RARE SkinFuel


¥941.52 限时优惠 Save

RARE 眼唇亮肤精华液蕴含强效成分,刺激细胞更新,温和移除死皮并抹平肌肤细纹,让您的眼唇区域焕发光泽。澳洲本土框东果和卡卡杜李子提取物,结合透明质酸和乳酸菌等强效护肤物质,我们的精华液包含了应对日常炎症、肌肤损伤和紧张的全部成分,最终让您的整个面部容光焕发。

容量:15 毫升

With potent ingredients that stimulate cell renewal, gently exfoliate dead skin and erase fine lines, RARE’s Eye & Lip Illuminating Serum takes all the steps to truly brighten your eye and lip area. Combining native Australian extracts from the Quandong fruit and Kakadu Plum with potent skincare staples like Hyaluronic Acid and Lactobacillus, our serum is equipped with all the ingredients to tackle daily inflammation, damage and stress from key features that ultimately illuminate your whole face.

size: 15mL

  • 为娇嫩皮肤提供更强效水分。
  • 有助于丰满和光滑的皮肤。
  • 减少细纹和皱纹的出现,防止水分进一步流失。
  • 帮助增亮和振兴皮肤。它们可以帮助淡化黑眼圈,减少色素沉着。
  • 尽量减少皮肤下垂或下垂。
  • 确保更完美、更持久的妆容。

Only 10 left in stock




+ 97% 激活眼周肌肤细胞

+ 74% 增强眼睛轮廓

+ 78% 唤醒提亮眼周肌肤

+ 69% 改善鱼尾纹


* 81名试用者于4周内自我评估

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步骤一 : 在眼睛/嘴唇周围涂上适量眼霜,尤其是沿笑线。

步骤二 : 用你的食指、中指和无名指从内到外滑动。