Restoring Australian Powder Pack - RARE SkinFuel
Restoring Australian Clay Powder - RARE SkinFuel, Clean Beauty, Natural, beauty, Age Delaying, Skincare, skincare lover
Restoring Australian Powder Pack - RARE SkinFuel
Restoring Australian Powder Pack - RARE SkinFuel
Restoring Australian Powder Pack - RARE SkinFuel
Restoring Australian Clay Powder - RARE SkinFuel, Clean Beauty, Natural, beauty, Age Delaying, Skincare, skincare lover
Restoring Australian Powder Pack - RARE SkinFuel
Restoring Australian Powder Pack - RARE SkinFuel


¥888.05 限时优惠 Save



One of our signature masks, our Restoring Australia Clay Mask restores and rejuvenates skin that is dull and tired from a lack of sleep, sun damage, or the buildup of impurities. Ivory Australian Clay and Pastel Pink Australian Clay are some of the finest natural ingredients available to infuse the skin with moisturizing, soothing, and anti-aging minerals for visible refreshed radiance.

size: 40g  

  • 高岭土: 有助于清洁,净化和排毒皮肤,而不会剥离天然油脂。
  • 膨润土: 膨润土以其强大的吸收性能而闻名,可有效地从皮肤中抽出杂质,多余的油脂和毒素。
  • 澳大利亚粉红粘土: 轻轻清洁,去角质,改善皮肤纹理,使皮肤焕然一新。
  • 总体而言: 深层清洁,油平衡,舒缓和镇静,去角质


Only 10 left in stock


+ 80% 改善皮肤纹理

+ 90% 增强皮肤弹性

+ 80% 抗衰老

+ 82% 一个晚上后马上修复以及深层滋润肌肤

* 38名试用者于2周内自我评估

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As a restore & repair mask


With the ratio of powder and activator , 1 : 3 to 5 , mix them til the texture of pink paste is formed. Apply onto your skin for around 5 minutes, then rinse it off and dry.

**Mask Powder requires Activators or Activating Mist to Activate.

**Do not recommend using water to activate the powder as water evaporates skin's hydration which may not deliver the proper result of the powder packs.

As skin balancing mask


1. Take out a silk cocoon sheet mask & place in a bowl

2. Pour out Activating Mist into the bowl til the mask got soaked

3. Add certain amount of Restoring Clay Powder into the bowl

4. Mix well til the mist and mask turn into pink

5. Apply onto the skin for 5-8 minutes

6. Remove mask and use wet cotton pads to wipe off skin

About us

RARE SkinFuel 瑞儿是百分百澳洲制作的冷压护肤品牌,含大量有机认证成分及澳洲原生植物萃取。