Daily Glow Face Oil - RARE SkinFuel
Daily Glow Face Oil - RARE SkinFuel
Daily Glow Face Oil - RARE SkinFuel
Daily Glow Face Oil - RARE SkinFuel
Daily Glow Face Oil - RARE SkinFuel
Daily Glow Face Oil - RARE SkinFuel
Daily Glow Face Oil - RARE SkinFuel
Daily Glow Face Oil - RARE SkinFuel
Daily Glow Face Oil - RARE SkinFuel
Daily Glow Face Oil - RARE SkinFuel
Daily Glow Face Oil - RARE SkinFuel
Daily Glow Face Oil - RARE SkinFuel
Daily Glow Face Oil - RARE SkinFuel
Daily Glow Face Oil - RARE SkinFuel
Daily Glow Face Oil - RARE SkinFuel
Daily Glow Face Oil - RARE SkinFuel
Daily Glow Face Oil - RARE SkinFuel
Daily Glow Face Oil - RARE SkinFuel
Daily Glow Face Oil - RARE SkinFuel
Daily Glow Face Oil - RARE SkinFuel
Daily Glow Face Oil - RARE SkinFuel
Daily Glow Face Oil - RARE SkinFuel


$780.00 限时优惠 節省




亮采煥膚美顏油 確保皮膚得到滋養、水潤並提供容光煥發的膚色。 除了山茶油、玫瑰果油和辣木油外,還含有強大的抗氧化劑,如輔酶 Q10 和天然維生素 E ,它們還能刺激膠原蛋白和彈性蛋白的產生,並解決明顯的衰老跡象。 最好與 抗衰老精華液 和 抗衰老面霜 結合使用以獲得最佳效果。

大小 15ml

  • 為皮膚提供深層補水和水分。
  • 有助於鎖住水分,防止水分流失,保持皮膚豐滿、光滑和滋養。
  • 富含維生素、抗氧化劑和必需脂肪酸,有助於滋養皮膚,促進膚色健康,增強皮膚的天然屏障功能。
  • 加強皮膚的天然屏障,負責保護皮膚免受環境侵害並維持其整體健康。
  • 幫助對抗導致過早衰老的自由基。
  • 均勻膚色,減少疤痕或瑕疵的出現。
  • 在皮膚上形成保護屏障,使後續產品能夠更深入地滲透到皮膚中,更有效地發揮其益處。

僅剩 0 庫存






+ 98% 鎖定水分

+ 95% 深層補水,改善皮膚紋理

+ 85% 幫助減少紫外線造成的傷害

+ 74% 養成自然發光的裸肌,並增強化妝後的整體膚色

+ 65% 讓第一次用戶即愛上

* 110名試用者於2週內自我評估

Customer Reviews

Based on 25 reviews
Jeannie Kong

I was a bit skeptical about using a face oil at first, but I'm so glad I gave this one a try. It has completely transformed the texture and appearance of my skin. It feels plump, smooth, and has this beautiful, dewy glow to it now. Truly impressive results!

Molly Hung
I finally found the right face oil!

As someone with sensitive skin, I was a bit hesitant to try a face oil. But this one has been absolutely perfect - no irritation whatsoever. In fact, it's calmed any redness or inflammation I had. I'm so impressed by how gentle yet effective it is.

This face oil is a skincare miracle worker!

It's done wonders for minimizing the appearance of my fine lines and wrinkles. My skin just drinks it up and feels so nourished and replenished afterward. I'll be repurchasing this forever.

Cora Poon
How clean & natural this face oil is

I love how clean and pure the formula is - no synthetic fragrances, fillers, or questionable chemicals. It's truly 100% natural and my skin has responded so well to it. My complexion looks smoother, more even-toned, and has this beautiful, healthy glow.

Nelly Woo
Hands down the best face oil I've ever tried

It absorbs beautifully into my skin without leaving any greasy residue. My skin feels so soft, supple, and radiant after using this. It's become an essential part of my daily skincare routine.



取 1 至 2 滴於掌心溫熱,輕輕塗抹於面部、頸部和肩部。
