Age Delaying Serum - RARE SkinFuel
Age Delaying Serum - RARE SkinFuel
Age Delaying Serum - RARE SkinFuel
Age Delaying Serum - RARE SkinFuel
Age Delaying Serum - RARE SkinFuel
Age Delaying Serum - RARE SkinFuel, Clean Beauty, Natural, beauty, Age Delaying, Skincare, skincare lover
Age Delaying Serum - RARE SkinFuel
Age Delaying Serum - RARE SkinFuel
Age Delaying Serum - RARE SkinFuel
Age Delaying Serum - RARE SkinFuel
Age Delaying Serum - RARE SkinFuel
Age Delaying Serum - RARE SkinFuel
Age Delaying Serum - RARE SkinFuel, Clean Beauty, Natural, beauty, Age Delaying, Skincare, skincare lover
Age Delaying Serum - RARE SkinFuel


$2,470.00 限时优惠 節省

一瓶多功能精華液,解決所有肌膚老化問題。除了緊緻提拉和提升膚質外,更提供保濕鎖水、高效修護、增加皮膚活力和提亮皮膚的功效,長期使用更有助鞏固肌膚屏障,讓肌膚保持最佳狀態。精華配方特別加入兩款澳洲本土的超級水果萃取戴維森李子Davidson’s Plum 和卡卡杜李子Kakadu Plum,以及其他有機活性成分,如尿囊素、鎖水磁石、維他命B5、玻尿酸和海草Marinova,讓皮膚回復年輕狀態和天然健康光澤。


容量: 50 毫升


  • 採用濃縮活性成分配製而成,有助於減少老化現象並促進肌膚更年輕。
  • 重量輕,可以更深入地滲透皮膚,並將活性成分直接輸送到目標區域。
  • 刺激皮膚膠原蛋白的產生,以保持皮膚的緊緻和彈性。
  • 保持肌膚水分,有助於豐盈、撫平細紋和皺紋。
  • 提亮膚色,淡化黑斑,均勻膚色,使膚色更加年輕、容光煥發。
  • 中和自由基,自由基是導致過早老化和損傷皮膚的有害分子。
  • 精華液可以保護皮膚免受氧化應激,有助於防止進一步的衰老跡象。

僅剩 2 庫存






+ 94% 恢復皮膚活力

+ 98% 減少前額上的細紋和皺紋的出現

+ 81% 透亮抗敏

+ 53% 配合RSF 亮采煥膚美顏油讓肌膚更提亮緊緻

* 99名試用者於4週內自我評估

Customer Reviews

Based on 18 reviews
Pinky Lam
Become an essential part of my daily routine.

I was amazed at how quickly this 100% natural serum started working its magic. The fine lines around my eyes and forehead have visibly diminished, and my skin just has this incredible plumpness and bounce to it now.

Great Improvement!

After just a couple weeks of consistent use, the dark spots and discolouration on my skin have significantly faded. My complexion looks so much brighter, more even-toned, and youthful.

Patti Lau
Perfect serum

I was hesitant to try an anti-aging serum, but this one has been perfect. It's so gentle and nourishing, yet it packs a serious punch when it comes to reducing the visible signs of aging. My skin has never looked better!

Deborah Roberts
I'm absolutely in love with this

The blend of potent botanicals and plant-based actives has been incredibly effective at diminishing the signs of aging on my skin. My skin looks firmer, more plump, and has this beautiful, healthy radiance to it.

jessica al
This anti-aging serum is an absolute skincare miracle!

I've been using it for about a month and I can already see a noticeable difference in the appearance of my fine lines and wrinkles. My complexion looks so much smoother and more youthful.


步驟一: 潔面後或根據需要使用, 把大量塗抹在你的臉和脖子上。

步驟二: 向上和向外按摩皮膚。